This is a short and simple guide on how to deploy a new version of your application to the Google Cloud Compute Engine, just from GitHub issue. Fully automated. No scripts.

Deploying an application to the Google Cloud is very easy for me. I just post a comment in the GitHub issue: @rultor deploy, image is <image id>, instance is <instance> . Rultor, DevOps chatbot, deploys the application to Compute Engine in just 5 minutes. I don’t have any local scripts or something like this. I can even deploy a new version from browser on my phone.

How to do it? Follow the next steps:

Prepare Google Cloud credentials

Get your JSON file with credentials from Google Cloud. For security reasons, I am always transfer this file into a secret GitHub repo. Let’s name it h1alexbel/app-secrets. There I create a folder called assets with my JSON Google Cloud Credentials file.

Also, don’t forget about adding your repository with application into .rultor.yml as a “friend”.

  - h1alexbel/app

Your GCP Credentials file will be automatically fetched from app-secrets when a deployment process begins.

Create Rultor Configuration

Back to my repository with my application. In the root directory I commit the next file:

  - h1alexbel # your GitHub nickname
  creds.json: h1alexbel/app-secrets#assets/creds.json
  image: l3r8y/rultor-image:1.0.3
install: |-
  sudo apt install python3.8
  curl -O
  tar -xf google-cloud-cli-429.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
# it will disable interactive prompts for chatbot
  CLOUDSDK_CORE_DISABLE_PROMPTS=1 ./google-cloud-sdk/ 
    - "./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud auth login --cred-file=../creds.json"
    - "./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config set project <PROJECT ID>"
    - "./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config configurations activate default"
    - "./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud compute instances update-container $instance --container-image=$image"

Run It!

Now we can run it. Create a new issue on GitHub and post a comment:

@rultor deploy, image is <docker image id>, instance is <Compute Engine INSTANCE ID>

You will get a response in a few seconds. Rultor will do the rest. Enjoy deploying from just a browser on your phone like me :)

Also, read in details about Rultor, the interactive DevOps GitHub-based chatbot:

Documentation, a Merging Bot.